– Excellent chemical stability.
– Good oxidation stability.
– The oil is colorless and does not change color.
– Economical and effective in use
– Store in a covered place, avoid direct sunlight or places with temperatures above 45 C.
– Keep away from electrical sparks, flammable materials and ignition sources.
– Do not expose to hot sun or place in cold conditions.
Product info
Textile machine oil is colorless mineral oil produced using hydro treatment technology and paraffinic petroleum refining technology. The oil does not contain aromatics with high luminosity and good oxidation stability. The oil meets lubrication requirements and does not discolor finished products in textile technology equipment.
Used for the production of synthetic fibers, spray oils, and surface protection agents. Low ISO level oil with brighter color is also recommended for the textile industry such as sewing machine oil, textile machine oil or in candle production technology…
Ingredients: colorless mineral oil produced using hydro treatment technology and paraffinic petroleum refining technology.