– Improve rubber properties during grinding, rolling, mixing, and drawing processes.
– Reduce costs for rubber mixing process.
– Color stable and less affected by temperature.
– Store in a covered place, avoid direct sunlight or places with temperatures above 45 C.
– Keep away from electrical sparks, flammable materials and ignition sources.
– Do not expose to hot sun or place in cold conditions
Product info
Rubber plasticizer oil is produced from many types of mineral oils based on Paraffin, Naptha, and Aromatic. This type of oil is very important in the rubber processing process. Used in the plasticization process to soften and stretch synthetic rubber and natural rubber, especially white rubber. Oil is also used in the production of ink.
Recommended for medium load systems; crane system, dump truck, vehicle hydraulic system; light-duty plastic injection machines, industrial circulation systems…
Ingredients: many types of mineral oils based on Paraffin, Naptha, Aromatic.